There are many factors of profitability of Frullato Thick Shake Franchise business such as taste, branding, location, customer experience, etc. Frullato is a brand established in Nagpur India. It mainly sells Thick shakes with different drinks. You can taste various tastes such as strawberry, rose, oreo, and more. The best part of this brand having fresh fruits and healthy shakes. Frullato Thick Shake is operating in Nagpur successfully and earning profit. You can visit their branch to see how many people are buying their products. This will assist you in estimating profitability.
Whether you will be profitable or not is depends on various factors but the most important factor is your location. Opening a shop where people do not reach or people don’t have purchasing power leads you to loss but the opposite leads you to the profit. The price chart of the products is between 95 to 120 rupees. 2 people give you 200 rupees and you will earn 40 to 50 percent profit. If you have a great location then you should apply for this franchise because it will be profitable for you.
Investment to open the Frullato franchise depends on the location. If you have your own space for a franchise then it may be a low investment otherwise high. Here you can check investment and franchise costs below -
First, talk about franchise costs. The franchise fee/cost is between Rs 5 lakh to Rs 7 lakh.
Then, you have to give an 8% royalty fee on net sales.
You must have 20 to 30 lakh rupees for the investment to open its franchise business. You need to invest in interior design, staff salary, products, electricity bill, license and so on. So this is the amount that you need at the time of applying for the franchise.
Frullato doesn’t have a website to apply so you need to contact them directly. You have to inquire about the purpose of the franchise. Here are steps on how you can do this -